Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lent & Recipes!

Hey Guys! You're getting an extra post this week - in honor of Lent! Lucky you. (And hopefully you didn't give up reading my blog as part of that....awkward.)

Anyways, if you're not familiar - Catholics, and (most? some?) Christians give up something for the Lent period. What I have been taught, is that it is supposed to be something that has steered you away from God, something you're putting before God. I know, these days, a lot of people give up social media, like Facebook. My husband and I have recognized that we put food as the main focus in our house. To some, that may sound ridiculous, to us - it's truly an addiction and something that takes over our lives. We rarely ever tithe (something I'm not proud of), because we "don't have money to spare". When in reality, we spent hundreds on eating out at restaurants and fast food establishments.

So, instead of wasting that money - we are tithing it. And we are eating at home for the entire Lent season. This is truly going to be a challenge, because honestly I hate cooking. But! I can cook and I will cook for this reason.

So here is where I need YOUR help! I need recipes! I have tons, sure, but I need change and I need ones people have actually tried before and loved. I always "pin" recipes that claim to be the best recipe on Earth, and then no one in my house loves it. If you do share a recipe that falls under the list of things I'll eat (I'm weirdly picky) - I'll share the result with you on the blog!

I'm excited, people! Share away!

1 comment:

    ^^Honey Mustard Pretzel Chicken: i have made this before - not too bad for my first try, mine probably could have been tweaked and done a little better. But it was good. Although I know how you feel about "condiments".....
    ^^Pull Apart Pizza Bread: I have made this for you before...again, not bad for my first try, but I could definitely make some improvements on my methods....
    ^^Chicken Fried Rice: now this one I like a lot, and I haven't messed it up yet!!! But I have this feeling that I've offered to make this before and you don't like Chinese food....
    ^^Strawberry Sorbet: fun at home dessert that I know I've made for you!
    ^^Parmesan Crusted Chicken: I've done this one well too!!!

    Of course I'm sure these can be modified for healthier options, and got these are all my Pinterest ones I've tried - you can check out my comida board for other [untested] ideas!
