Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Paleo: Week One.

Week one is finished, you guys. That is the HARDEST thing I have ever done. My husband and I spent the whole week trying to talk ourselves out of doing this, and surprisingly didn't succeed in doing so. Especially since I hated most of the recipes I tried. (I'm a super picky eater AND I think my taste buds were like WTF IS THIS HEALTHY STUFF YOU'RE FEEDING US?) And I will be very honest and tell you I cried a few times. (I realize I sound super dramatic here, but I'm just being honest and if you're telling me that you can switch to Paleo and not morn the loss of how you used to eat, then you're awful and I hate you. *no, not really, that's the gluten-free talking*) We just need to keep trying new recipes and find ones that work for us!

Two of my favorite things were breakfast and "dessert".
Crustless Quiche and Bacon

Green smoothie "ice cream"
At the completion of our week, my husband and I had a movie date and we ate just a little bit of popcorn and ice cream and we both felt crazy sick after. That really showed me the stuff I used to put in my body every day. Scary really. It's like I could feel the nasty stuff flowing through and it was gross.

Now, I'm not going to tell you I'll follow Paleo 100%. I do loooooove dairy. So my husband and I agreed that we could have dairy once a week. As well as one sugar item. If we restrict ourselves from those things then I will start to hate eating this way and I will fail. Gluten-free is my main goal and as long as I always stick to that, I'm happy.

So are you curious how the weight loss went? (If you're my Facebook friend, then you already know.)

My husband lost 10 pounds and I lost....


That's right, ELEVEN.

I'm so proud of us this week. For actually sticking with it, even when we were trying to talk each other out of it. I am excited to keep trying this! On to week 2....

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Grocery Shopping Adventures with Tab!

I find a lot of things in the world ridiculous. Let me tell you about two of them.

1.) The price of healthy food
I know I'm not the only person to say this, but damn healthy food is expensive. That's ridiculous. I won't even tell you my grocery bill from doing my first week of Paleo shopping. I'm not gonna lie, I told my husband "I'd rather be fat and roll around in my money." (obviously I would rather not be fat, calm down)

It's sad that you can charge so much to eat the healthy stuff. How is that okay? No wonder we are all obese. A half gallon of ice cream is $4... same as a dozen of organic eggs. Tell me how that works. So I'll tell you the truth, I understand why people just buy the cheaper easier stuff. I don't blame you one bit.

Unfortunately, if I don't start eating the expensive, healthy stuff, I'll be on the next season of 'My 600-Pound Life'. I obviously can't handle my share of the cheap stuff.
oooohhhhh greeeeeennnn.

2.) How uncomfortable I was shopping for the healthy stuff.
Here's the thing, I was a "take that Name Brand Lasagna out of the fridge and throw that delicious crap in the oven and talk to me in an hour" kinda girl. I, of course, have been in the produce section before. I just, have never been in it to buy something other than some onions or bananas. I was overwhelmed and actually felt tears in my throat when I was trying to find all these new items (persimmon? fennel? WTF. Gimme a picture or something.) I, then, felt so embarrassed when I had to ask where stuff was. I felt fat and out of place. Like, if I would venture out of a fast food burger once in a while I would know where this crap is. Does that make sense? DO YA FEEL ME, Y'ALL?

Anyways, I just wanted to share those two things with you guys and let you know you're not alone if you feel this way too.

On the plus side, I am so excited to blog and tell you how my first week went! (Weigh in on Tuesday!)

Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm being set up....

Do you ever have little things happen to you that you can't help but think, "God is setting me up for something."? Let me tell you why I ask this:

My sweet husband and I have been really struggling with my infertility. We just can't seem to get past it and it hurts a lot, emotionally. I am also continuously falling off the diet wagon and feeling like a complete failure. (previous info: Doc thinks that MAYBE if I lose enough weight, I will start ovulating).

Currently I have to go once a month to get my monthly cycle started because mine does not start on its own. Which has become a complete pain, because I can't find an agency approved babysitter to watch my sweet foster baby in the middle of a work day, go figure. So I've been very bad about going to get my cycle started, which is very very dangerous to do, health-wise. Therefore, Hubs and I talked about me going on the pill, so that it'll just automatically start every month without me having to go to the doctor.

Now, if you don't know...for me this is extremely emotional. This is me admitting that I won't be having a baby and I'm leaving no room for a miracle. Which, might sound insane to you, but to me this is perfectly acceptable. So upon making my doctor's appointment to get the prescription...I cried. (Appt. scheduled for today, April 21st.)

So let's go to another part of the story for a moment.

As much as I try to ignore it, because I would eat a loaf of bread a day if you'd let me, there have been so so so many blogs and articles about women with PCOS needing to go Gluten Free. (which I tried once for like 2 months and I broke down and ate soooooooooo much pasta and bread omg.) And not only that.... messageboards are being flooded by women with PCOS who have gone GF and started ovulating and getting pregnant. Y'all, I just can't ignore it. As much as I want to currently sit in a corner, hugging a loaf of honey wheat bread and cry. Husband is really excited to be on board (who is this man and what has he done with my husband?) and after much debate... this is what we decided this past Thursday:

Yep. Paleo. And honestly, as much of an uphill battle this will be, something tells me it is going to be so worth it.

So let's then talk about Friday, 24 hours after purchasing this book and making this decision.... my doctor calling to cancel my appointment for today.

I really really hope this is God setting me up for something fantastic.

Or it's just coincidence...but whatever I choose to believe the fantastic part.