Do you ever have little things happen to you that you can't help but think, "God is setting me up for something."? Let me tell you why I ask this:
My sweet husband and I have been really struggling with my infertility. We just can't seem to get past it and it hurts a lot, emotionally. I am also continuously falling off the diet wagon and feeling like a complete failure. (previous info: Doc thinks that MAYBE if I lose enough weight, I will start ovulating).
Currently I have to go once a month to get my monthly cycle started because mine does not start on its own. Which has become a complete pain, because I can't find an agency approved babysitter to watch my sweet foster baby in the middle of a work day, go figure. So I've been very bad about going to get my cycle started, which is very very dangerous to do, health-wise. Therefore, Hubs and I talked about me going on the pill, so that it'll just automatically start every month without me having to go to the doctor.
Now, if you don't know...for me this is extremely emotional. This is me admitting that I won't be having a baby and I'm leaving no room for a miracle. Which, might sound insane to you, but to me this is perfectly acceptable. So upon making my doctor's appointment to get the prescription...I cried. (Appt. scheduled for today, April 21st.)
So let's go to another part of the story for a moment.
As much as I try to ignore it, because I would eat a loaf of bread a day if you'd let me, there have been so so so many blogs and articles about women with PCOS needing to go Gluten Free. (which I tried once for like 2 months and I broke down and ate soooooooooo much pasta and bread omg.) And not only that.... messageboards are being flooded by women with PCOS who have gone GF and started ovulating and getting pregnant. Y'all, I just can't ignore it. As much as I want to currently sit in a corner, hugging a loaf of honey wheat bread and cry. Husband is really excited to be on board (who is this man and what has he done with my husband?) and after much debate... this is what we decided this past Thursday:
Yep. Paleo. And honestly, as much of an uphill battle this will be, something tells me it is going to be so worth it.
So let's then talk about Friday, 24 hours after purchasing this book and making this decision.... my doctor calling to cancel my appointment for today.
I really really hope this is God setting me up for something fantastic.
Or it's just coincidence...but whatever I choose to believe the fantastic part.
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