Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Before.

You know what's scary? The before picture. Everyone has one. That one picture that shows you at your biggest. It's terrifying, because there it is. That's you. A picture of you. I don't usually hate pictures of myself because I mean, it's a memory. And I look that way in the memory and there's nothing I can do to change it, so I move along. But that before picture...ugh. This is the one I'm talking about:

(ignore messy mirror/honey-boo-boo looking face)

I forgot to post a before pic when I started this blog. Which, I find weird...I blame "mommy brain". I also took some personal ones of me without a shirt so that I can compare like that, but I'll spare you that one. hahaha

When I lost the first 50 pounds, the only way I could see it was to compare pictures, because I see myself in the mirror every day, I couldn't see the changes. But man, when I put those pictures together, it was glorious. I get so anxious to see that again! And honestly, that is a big thing that keeps me goin' sometimes. I want that "after" pic so bad. SO BAD.

I've been jumping on and off that wagon since I started this blog. Isn't that crazy? Can you relate to being so gung-ho on starting something and then it just teeter off so fast, you didn't even see that coming? Well, I can. But the good thing? I keep jumping back on. There have been so many times I let the wagon drive off and leave me behind. But not this time, I keep chasing it and jumping back on...sometimes I just don't stick the landing.

I've started writing stuff on my calendar that I'm going to do that week that's "active". I plan ahead, and I write it down, so it's done. It's scheduled. I hate canceling things I schedule. Because of that, I've started walking in the park, and walking for hours at the zoo (omg we are loving our membership!). I even have 2 dates with 2 friends on Tuesday and Wednesday for walks in the park! That's right, I'm making everyone join in!

So I want to you have a "before" picture that you're storing away?

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